What I aim to do here -- give you my very enthused, one year into small scale organic farming, hot take on the crucial knowledge gap that exists in US exists around the cultivation of food in the US. And hope that maybe knowing more about the growing-marketing-selling-eating-disposing of the food we eat will empower us to give more shits about our food system, the people exploited by it, and our increasingly deep-into-climate-crisis home. Lofty goals for a wee babe of a blog but it's a new decade and all so, ya know, dream big.
Take all of the information you find here with many grains of salt and *please* make use of other resources I'll link to and amass here on the blog. I'll keep reading and learning and talking to people who really know their stuff. I welcome feedback -- shoot me an email at dmvdirtalert@gmail.com with any ideas/opinions/resources/etc you might want to send my way.
We operate within larger food systems designed to keep us in the dark about what we eat, who grows it, and under what conditions. I think it's okay to read or see things and think "Shit, I can't believe I didn't know about that." But! I also think it's true that once you suspect something might be really truly wrong, you have an obligation to dig. Deeper. Into. That. Dirt. And find out more. And dear readers, there is much to unearth.
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